Bath Bomb Making Kit (Citrus)


24.00 €
Livraison 0.00 €
Prix total 24 €

Vendor: MuMe
Type: creative kit
Price: 24.00

"What a great gift to receive and a chance to get creative at home".

Bath bombs are fun to make and to use: pop them in a warm bath and as they hit water they fizz and release all their goodness.

With this kit you should be able to make approx 8 - 10 bath bombs, it's full of natural ingredients and you have the option to pick a colour or have with flower petals (it's naturally white if you don't add colour). The fragrance is May Chang a natural essential oil, which will be part of the ingredients, if you would prefer not to have a fragrance or prefer a different one please email me and I will try to make it happen :-)

What's in the box:

Bicarbonate Soda

Citric Acid


Sunflower oil

Fragrance/essential oils

bath bomb mould

flower petals/decorations/FDA approved safe colour


What you will need:

bowl for mixing

tray for putting the bath bombs on while they set


 These beautiful kits are made in Ireland with locally sourced ingredients, they are packaged in enviromentaly friendly materials – we promise to be as considerate to the enviroment as possible, this is something we are constatly working on.

Check out my Facebook (MuMe Masterclass) and Instagram pageCreate_with_MuMe for videos on making bath bombs and other lovely things. 


Please note it takes approximately 12 - 24 for the bath bombs to set completely and be ready for use.



White with flower petals

Purple with white hearts

Pink with white hearts

Blue with white hearts

Green with white hearts

Yellow with white hearts

Orange with white hearts

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